A trademark is a sign that distinguishes the goods and services of one trader from those of others. A business or company name registration is not an indication of trademark rights. A Hong Kong business registration certificate or a certificate of incorporation / registration does not by itself indicate that the business or company has rights to use its name or a trademark in promoting or dealing in goods and services. Only after trademark registration in Hong Kong, the trademark can be used exclusively by the holder in Hong Kong.
Since trademark registration is regional specific, trademark registered in the Mainland China does not represent that the trademark has been registered in Hong Kong or vice versa. Separate registration is required.
If there are no deficiencies in the application and no objections to the trademark then the whole application process can take as little as 6 months from receipt of application to registration.
Prices for trademark registration at different locations are as follows:
Area |
Fee |
Hong Kong |
HK$3,800 |
United Kingdom |
US$1,540 (US$640 addition for search fee) |
U.S.A. |
US$2,050 (US$515 addition for search fee) |
All registered trademark is valid for 10 years. Clients can apply for extension for another 10 years.